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Change log

AnyCase App is a direct, in-place case converter for Windows. It allows you to change the capitalization of text directly in the program you’re working in, AnyCase App work in countless Windows programs and apps.

Works on Windows 11, 10, 8

AnyCase App v13.08 – (Latest)

  • Recommended free update
  • Improved – Significantly improves the quick replace functionality.
  • Improved – Improved custom capitalization.
  • Improved – Sentence case capitalization.
  • Improved – File handling for custom capitalization.
  • Maintenance – Multiple bugs are fixed in this release.

AnyCase App v13.02

  • Added – Installer updated to support businesses IT department requirements, such as Admin installation, installation location, and command line parameters for easier deployment. Thanks IT department at ZS engineering.
  • Added – You can now minimize and maximize the AnyCase window to the taskbar, in addition to using the X to move it to tray.
  • Added – A Screen presenting the less known CapsLock indicator feature, with an off and on choice.
  • Added – Image to better explain the CapsLock feature in the settings area.
  • Added – When the AnyCase App window is open, it will now appear in the Taskbar as well.
  • Added – AnyCase App will now try to keep the text selection even if the selection was made before opening the application window.
  • Added – Better support for multi-language options.
  • Updated – Settings area, text, appearance and explanations updated.
  • Updated – Version increases the amount of programs supported by AnyCase App in multi-language environments
  • Updated – All interfaces updated for better readability.

AnyCase App v12.78 minor update

  • Minimum requirements check – To ensure maximum compatibility, the installer will now check that the computer is running a version of Windows 8 and above (the minimum version required).
  • Change – Changes default behavior of CapsLock indicator to off by default for new installations, change initiated by user feedback.
  • Fixed – Fixes a user reported issue in the uninstaller.

AnyCase App v12.77

  • Improved –  Improved support for Google Docs.
  • Added – Shortcut to quick replace.
  • Added – Shortcut to context menu.
  • Fixed – Fixed a bug in presets context menu.

AnyCase App v12.74

  • New! – The replace feature gets its own button, now you can perform a Quick Replace without changing the text capitalization.
  • New! – Dedicated button to swap between the Quick Replace fields you’ve entered.
  • New! – Automatic replace is now activated by a checkbox, you can now easily control if Quick Replace effects all conversions or not.
  • Updated – Supported applications updated
  • Fixed – Update includes some minor bug fixes

AnyCase App v12.41

  • Updated – Magic paste will now work in more programs, and even in VMs (Virtual Boxes).
  • Improvements – Better compatibility with Excel.
  • UI – Ability to send feature requests, or report a bug through the interface.
  • UI – Improve icons readability in the interface.
  • Fixed – No more pop up message informing you that you have the latest version.

AnyCase App v12.39

  • Improvements – improves compatibility with Excel
  • Fixed – Fixes several minor bugs

AnyCase App v12.38

  • Fixed – Wrong label in settings for kebab case, and snake case.
  • Fixed – “Update failed” message when you have the latest version.
  • Fixed – Disabling Context Menu in setting was not saving the preference correctly.
  • Fixed – Custom shortcuts behavior for Context Menu.

AnyCase App v12.33 (MAJOR RELEASE)

  • Major Upgrade – AnyCase will now maintain text style when possible.
  • Major Upgrade – Even more supported application, and Improve reliability across supported applications.
  • Major Upgrade – Core components updated.
  • Major Upgrade – AnyCase App 64bit version, with improved speed and reliability for this architecture.
  • Upgrade – Alternative conversion method updated, this update improves reliability and backwards compatibility, when using alternative conversion method.
  • New! – Direct In-place Superscript conversion.
  • New! – Direct In-place Subscript conversion.
  • New! – Direct In-place CamelCase conversion (sometimes called Pascal case) .
  • New! – Direct In-place Snake_case conversion.
  • New! – Direct In-place kebab-case conversion.
  • Improvements – Capslock indicator reliability improvements.
  • Improvements – Improved compatibility with Excel.
  • Improvements – Made to the punctuation engine.
  • Improvements – Better handling of file extensions when converting.
  • Added – Added the ability to report a bug on the main interface.
  • Added – Added the ability to assign a custom shortcut to the context menu.
  • Changed – Custom shortcuts including only the alt+[key] Were reported to cause issues with multiple programs, will no longer be available to prevent these conflicts.
  • Removed – Removed paste as plaintext functionality, as it was causing significant issues with security applications.
  • Fixed – Fixes a bug in “remove extra spaces”.
  • Fixed – Fixes a bug with the helper file.
  • Fixed – Fixes a bug in windows 11 relating to alternative conversion methodsmethod
  • Fixed – Fixes a bug when saving custom shortcuts for Camel Case, Snake Case, Kebab Case
  • Fixed – Fixes a bug with no internet scenario.
  • Fixed – Fixes multiple issues discovered in v11.31

AnyCase App v11.31 

  • Fix – Fixes an issue with one key custom shortcuts (the F1-F12 for example) – Thanks Claudine G.

AnyCase App v11.30

  • Improved – Magic Paste process was significantly improved, multiple bugs fixed.
  • Improved – Custom shortcuts upgraded to better support the multilanguage layouts.
  • Fix – Custom shortcuts that used the alt modifiers was sometimes act unexpectedly in multilanguage layouts.

AnyCase App v11.13

  • Added – More names, and last names will now be identified to be automatically capitalized.
  • Improved – This version includes another round of improvements for the conversion accuracy.
  • Improved – Magic paste to avoid conflicts with other applications.
  • Improved – Toggle case will now leave “I” and variance capitalized. Thanks Christophe P.
  • Change – The conversion message near the mouse will now be turned off by default for new users. (Can be turned back on in settings > General)
  • Fix – Custom capitalization to ignore URLs. Thanks David T.
  • Fix – Fixed a bug when double-clicking the interface will sometime cause the file path to appear.
  • Fix – Fixed Magic paste would sometimes paste incorrectly with numbers and other characters. Thanks Christophe P.
  • Fix – Toggle case bug fixd. Thanks Christophe P.

AnyCase App v11.08

  • Added – Automatic capitalization of proper nouns passes well over 50,000 proper nouns and variations.
  • Upgrade – Count selected words upgrade for better readability.
  • Improved – Additional round of improvements done to Title Case APA
  • Fix – Fixes an issue with converting in multiple cells in Excel/Google spreadsheet – Thanks Pat N.
  • Fix – Count words result will now appear next to the Selected Text.
  • Fix – Fixes an issue with Quick replace.
  • Fix – Fixes an issue with hyphenation in title case APA.

AnyCase App v11.03

  • v11 Supports more programs – even MORE programs are now supported for conversion.
  • Major improvements to be multilingual support.
  • Major improvements to the title case APA converter.
  • Major improvements to the sentence case converter.
  • Added – manually checking for new version will now pop up a window if the version you have is the latest.
  • Added – Specific improvements to the Turkish language, fixes the I problem, the İ ı will now convert correctly. Thanks Erdem A.
  • Improved – Improved the ability of AnyCase to detect when caps lock is “On”, user reported – thanks Jessica W.
  • Fix – fixes a bug in sentence case capitalization where part of a word sometimes will remain capitalized user reported – thanks Kyle B.
  • Fix -fixes a bug in title case, and title case APA
  • Fix – fixes issues found in sentence case
  • Fix – fixes/improvements to the punctuation engine

AnyCase App v10.95

  • New– One click update, AnyCase will now upgrade in seconds and restart, so you can get back to work with the latest features fast.
  • New– Quick replace presets, Quickly Select between common replace presets.
  • Updated– Additional improvements were made to the installer.
  • Fix– Fixes a user reported bug in the sentence case conversion, Thanks Marty Bush.
  • Fix– Fixes a bug in the Context menu Title Case APA that was not working

AnyCase App v10.93

  • Updated– Installer updated for the Microsoft store.

AnyCase App v10.92

  • New – Visual indication of the capslock status (Off/On) can be turned on in settings.
  • New – APA title case conversion added to context menu (shift + Mouse right-click)
  • New – Adding custom capitalization words directly from the context menu, select a word then shift + mouse right-click to add it to your custom capitalization words.
  • Added – Pop-up window support for caps lock indication
  • Added – Pop-up window rewritten to optimize CPU Usage needed for the NEW caps lock feature.
  • Added – Manual way to check for updates and  the settings.
  • Added – Added a way to send feedback / report bugs.
  • Fixes – Exact conversion as defined in the app setting was not converting in title case / title case APA
  • Fixes – An issue in Opening the AnyCase Window with a shortcut
  • Fixes – Minor bug in the settings area where tooltip was not presenting

AnyCase App v10.88

  • New – Sentence case completely upgraded
  • New – Capitalization engine upgraded to include 75,000 more words than previous version.
  • Speed – Blazing fast, this version include speed optimizations.
  • Fixes – Dozens of tweaks, and small fixes

AnyCase App v10.30 

  • Fixed – Fixes a user reported bug encountered when double-clicking the tray menu (Thanks goes to Timur P. and Kyle B. for the report)

AnyCase App v10.29

  • Windows 11 Compatibility update, IMPORTANT!
  • New – Global paste as plain text for all supported programs, easily decide if text you copied should always be pasted unformatted (without the original styling).
  • New – Title case in the APA style format added (beta).
  • New – AnyCase New interface now includes all functionalities in one window.
  • New – Shortcut to open the main window.
  • New – Support for windows scale.
  • New – Support for multiple screen sizes, high pixel density screens.
  • New – AnyCase will now pre-fill your license, if one exists on the system.
  • Added – Tooltip added to the main window and settings area.
  • Added – Custom shortcuts added for Title Case APA, Count Words, Remove Extra Spaces, Remove Text Style.
  • Added – Quick replace added to the main interface.
  • Added – Flip language added to the main interface.
  • Added – AnyCase will now save it’s windows position when closed.
  • Improved – Case conversion speed improved by 30%.
  • Improved – Improvements made to the sentence case engine.
  • Improved – Text in settings improved for clarity.
  • Improved – Tray message will now only appear for the first 3 times
  • Change – Checking for updates changed from When the application starts to once a week.
  • Change – Due to conflicts with some applications context menu shortcut was changed from ctrl + right-click to shift + right-click.
  • Fixed – a bug encountered when converting quotation marks in sentence case.
  • Fixed – a bug where no internet message appears while connected to the internet, for some users.
  • Fixed – Significantly better handling of cases when access to the internet is not available.
  • Fixed – blurry user interface, experienced on some devices. UI will now appear sharp.
  • Fixed – An issue where the interface was not appearing correctly in some resolutions.
  • Fixed – a bug in the AnyCase tray open functionality.
  • Fixed – a bug in the replace feature, where the “to” field was not working with spaces correctly.
  • Fixed – Fix an issue with the count word tooltip.
  • Fixed – a typo in the general tab settings.
  • And many more minor issues

AnyCase App v9.18

  • Major – Significant improvements to the sentence case engine.
  • Replace Feature Added – Added a real-time replace  when converting, for example spacebar to hyphen “my file name.pdf” to “my-file-name.pdf”
  • Added – AnyCase Debug a dedicated file that will help identify future bugs
  • Added – Minor improvement to the sentence case converter
  • Added – The punctuation engine will now identify and ignore filenames when converting.
  • Added – Added a setting option to turn the conversion message near the mouse when converting.
  • Improved – Improved handling of acronyms in sentence case and title case.
  • Accuracy – Accuracy improvements to the proper noun engine (Title case and sentence case)
  • Bug Fix – Fixes a bug where AnyCase frequently requested to re-enter the license
  • Bug Fix – Fixes a small bug in the flip language feature
  • Bug Fix – Fixes a bug in handling start of a line indentations in paragraphs.
  • Bug Fix – Fixes a bug in handling of “i” in less common scenarios.
  • Plus a dozen other small fixes

AnyCase App v8.55

  • Fixes the bug where AnyCase frequently requested to reenter the license
  • Added – AnyCase Debug a dedicated file that will help identify future bugs
  • Added – Minor improvement to the sentence case converter

AnyCase App v8.52

  • Added – Abbreviation engine added, Abbreviated words such as etc. addr. will not cause the next word to be capitalized when converting to sentence case
  • Enhanced – handling of title case and sentence case to include the abbreviations engine.
  • Enhanced – title case will now identify and ignore emails and urls within the text being converted
  • Enhanced – Improvements added to the proper noun engine
  • Fixed – The requesting to re-enter license after an update, should no longer happen.
  • Added – a way to send feedback or report a bug directly from AnyCase tray menu or settings window

AnyCase App v8.37

  • NEW! Includes the much-anticipated language Flip, This new feature For multilingual users lets you change the language from the language you started writing to the language you intended to write in.
  • Multiple bug fixes, and stability enhancements are included in this release

AnyCase App v7.85

  • NEW! Introduction of a AnyCase Free version
  • Improved Conversion – AnyCase will now Ignore URLs, and emails when converting.
  • Increased – The The amount of words available in the capitalization engine.
  • Improved – AnyCase overall speed.
  • Fixed – Better handling of the multiple ways space is handled in Windows.
  • Fixed – Fix a bug when sometimes the main window flickered.
  • Fixed – Fix a bug In the pop-up window
  • Fixed – Fix a bug In the main program window that was affecting some users
  • Fixed – dozen other small fixes

AnyCase App v7.58

  • NEW! in Capitalization Engine – AnyCase will now automatically capitalize thousands of brand names, personal names, days of the week, months, and other common capitalizations.

    paypal will always be PayPal, ebay > eBay, google > Google, friday > Friday, Hi john to Hi John Etc. Automatically when using sentence case or  title case.

  • Added – more supported application, in this release supported application ballooned to over +50 apps.

  • Improved – sentence case capitalization engine.
  • Added – custom shortcut for magic paste .
  • Added – an info message if shift-f3 is used in programs not supporting it.
  • Added – a way to insert licensing in the settings window.
  • Added – a link to AnyCase documentation in the settings window.
  • Added – more rules to the pagination engine.
  • Added – a way to send feedback or bug reports directly from the AnyCase App
  • Added – a way to control whether the pagination engine is used or not in general settings.
  • Fixed – a bug where custom capitalization was overridden after a version update
  • Fixed – a bug in custom shortcuts saving.
  • Fixed – a bug making it difficult to move the AnyCase window around, it’s much easier to reposition the window now.
  • Fixed – a bug in a the “convert literally” functionality, where you could define words to be capitalized in a specific way.
  • Fixed – a bug where shortcuts would stop working (thanks Christophe Pans for reporting the bug)
  • Fixed – a bug in the capitalization engine, Where some words Like “mary” would produce unexpected results (thanks Alan Stewart for reporting the bug)
  • Fixed – a bug in the start with Windows option.
  • Fixed – a bug In the pagination engine relating to commas, and dots.
  • Plus a dozen other small fixes

AnyCase App v6.27

  • NEW! – Choose your own shortcuts for case conversions, this version includes the ability to define your own shortcuts for case conversions in the app setting area.
  • NEW!Toggle Caps, will flip the letters To their opposites case, this user requested feature is for the common case of starting to write with the caps lock on. for example “i sTARTED tO wRITE wITH tHE cAPS-LOCK oN” -> “I Started To Write With The Caps-lock On”
  • Fix – Fixes a bug Causing the interface to freeze in some situations
  • Fix – Fixes a bug where the target window would lose focus after text conversion when using the program window.
  • Fix – Fixes a problem when checking if newer versions exists.
  • NEW! – Choose your own shortcuts for case conversions, this version includes the ability to Define your own shortcuts for case conversions in the app settings areas.
  • NEW!Toggle Caps, will flip the letters To their opposites case, this user requested feature is for cases he started to write with the caps lock on. for example “sTARTED tO wRITE wITH cAPS-LOCK oN” -> “Started To Write With Caps-lock On”
  • Fix – Fixes a bug Causing the interface to freeze in some situations
  • Fix – Fixes a bug where the target window would lose focus after text conversion when using the program window.
  • Fix – Fixes a problem when checking if newer versions exists.

AnyCase App v5.89

This version includes a significant amount of stability improvements and bug fixes, if you’re using an older version it is highly recommended to upgrade to this version or above

  • NEW! – Magic Paste, Ctrl+V doesn’t work in a particular webpage? or webpage field? Use magic paste from the CONTEXT MENU drop-down and it will work.
  • NEW!Alternating caps, otherwise known as studly caps, or sticky caps capitalization is added. Example “I’M An aLtErNaTiNg cApS ExAmPlE!”
  • Added – “start minimized” option In the settings window.
  • Added – two more rules to the pagination engine.
  • Improvement – Context menu component rewritten, significantly improving its reliability across applications.
  • Bug Fix – Conversion of text would (under certain scenarios) add additional 2 empty lines (enters), At the end of a selected text.
  • Bug Fix – Installer will now check if program is still running before attempting to install or uninstall
  • Bug Fix – uninstaller will now detect(and remove), if there are “start with Windows” shortcut in the process of uninstalling.
  • Other bug fixes – This release includes a significant amount of small bug fixes as well.

AnyCase App v5.31

  • Added – Added a start minimized to trey option In the settings.
  • Added – Added more rules to the pagination engine.
  • Bug Fix – Sometimes linebreaks would be left at the end of the string causing unwanted behavior such as dropping additional two lines
  • Bug fix – installer will now check if program is still running before attempting to install or uninstall, plus the “Start With Windows” shortcut will be removed if present in the process of uninstalling.

AnyCase App v5.22

  • New!  –  Custom word capitalization, Set a list of words to always be capitalized in a certain way when converting a selection, For example Personal names, brands brand, cities, states which you commonly use.Note that this will only affect the title case, and sentence case options, as uppercase and lowercase assumes the entire selection should be changed.
  • New! – Added A different method of performing conversions, it enhances the amount of supported applications. With that said we still recommend leaving the default setting as it’s performs conversions significantly faster.
    Use this method only if you encounter issues.
  • Punctuation engine – 7 more punctuation corrections added to the punctuation engine which increases the amount of punctuation that are automatically corrected to 30 common punctuation issues.
  • Added – Added The ability to control whether to keep acronyms uppercase when making a text conversion.
  • Improved – installation process improved, making it easier to update to newer versions without the need to uninstall prior to update.
  • Fixed – Some options in the settings window did not save properly.
  • Fixed – A bug in title case conversion, and sentence case that caused the conversion to not work in certain conditions

AnyCase App v4.25

  • Installation process improved – No need to uninstall previous version when updating to the newest version.
  • Added – Update link now has its own page on website.
  • Fix – Issue with handling numbers is now fixed
AnyCase App v4.23
  • NEW! –  AnyCase now supports case conversion in Unicode which adds support (In addition to English) for languages such as: German, Swedish, Finnish, French, Dutch, Spanish, Russian, Slovenian, Danish, Croatian, Norwegian, Polish, Indonesian, Tagalog, Filipino, Tajik, Italian, Czech, Romanian, Portuguese, Irish, Icelandic, Faroese, Afrikaans, and other languages supported by the Unicode standard.
  • New! – Added support for in-place case conversions of diacritical letters, Ligatures, and digraphs.
  • Improved – Installation process improved
  • Updated – Help now opens a dedicated documentation page
  • Fixed – Fixed a few typos
AnyCase App v3.37
  • NEW! –  Words like CNN, SAP, NASA and other acronyms will remain as uppercase, when using a Sentence Case or a Title Case Conversion.
  • Improved – Context menu will now work in more applications
  • Captures And Corrects – Introduced in the previous version will Increased to correct 29 common punctuation issues.
  • Fixed a bug when AnyCase encountered an issue when checking for updates
  • Fixed a few bugs in the sentence case engine
AnyCase App v3.11
  • NEW! – Captures and corrects 24 common punctuation issues in a fraction of a second
  • NEW! – Punctuation engine, and it’s now active on all case conversions
  • Rewritten – Capitalization engine now works with the new punctuation implementation.

    And it is now ready for future improvements

  • Improved – Sentence case is now much improved with the Punctuation engine. Plus “i” Will always be capitalized

  • Added – The “how many words” counter will now display additional information for selected text
        1) The Number Of Words.
        2) The Number Of Characters With Spaces.
        3) The Number Of Characters Without Spaces.
  • Fix –  The “how many words” counter tooltip will now be automatically removed
  • Another bug fixes
AnyCase App v2.07
  • Feature Added – “how many words?” option in the context menu that counts how many words were selected
  • Fixes a user reported bug in the saving process
AnyCase App v2.05
  • Bug fix in support files
  • Update to application text
AnyCase App v2.03
  • Name changed from Text Anywhere to AnyCase App.
  • Introduces Context Menu to convert case directly in supported applications
Text Anywhere v1.15
  • Improved compatibility with more applications
  • Adding a version number to the application tray
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