AnyCase App IT Admin version, command line installation parameters
AnyCase App Pro and Free can be installed and uninstalled in multi-computer IT deployments. The IT version of AnyCase App provides additional installation and uninstallation control through built in parameters.
OS Support: Windows 8, 8.1, 10, 11
Architecture supported: 64-bits (x64)
Installation Parameters
This command will install AnyCase App silently and without user interactions such as message boxes in the program files folder unless changed by /DIR. The /FORCECLOSEAPPLICATIONS will make sure that AnyCase is closed when performing updates (parameter automatically ignored when first time installation is performed), In addition, using the /Task parameter the installer is instructed to add a shortcut icon to the desktop (‘desktopicon’), and using the ‘startup’ adds AnyCase to Windows startup.
Available parameters
When the silent parameter is passed to the installer, the installation wizard and the background window are not displayed but the installation progress window is.
When the very silent parameter is passed to the installer the progress window is not displayed. Message boxes are not suppressed in very silent mode and may still be displayed.
This parameter is used in combination with either ‘/SILENT’ or ‘/VERYSILENT’ to suppress any message boxes that may pop up in the middle of installation otherwise.
When the ‘ALLUSERS’ is passed to the installer it instructs the installer to use administrative mode in the installation process. In administrator mode the default installation directory is ‘Program Files’ . The installation location can be changed using the /DIR parameter.
unless ‘/ALLUSERS’ is explicitly passed to the installer, the default behavior of the installer is to install with the minimum permissions possible (non administrative mode) following the Microsoft best practices recommendations (first bullet point). By default, the current user installation directory is AppData..
If you choose to change the default directory by the /DIR parameter make sure that the destination directory has the necessary user level permissions to that directory location.
Instructs Setup to force close AnyCase App If any case is open during an update process, for first time installation, it is ignored even if present.
Instructs the installer to restart AnyCase App after installation, It is not necessarily to explicitly pass this parameter as this is the default installer behavior.
This parameter overrides the default directory name displayed on the Select Destination Location wizard stage. A fully qualified pathname must be specified. May include an “expand:” prefix which instructs the installer to expand any constants in the name. For example: ‘/DIR=expand:{autopf}\AnyCase App’.
Expansions can be used in the file path as follows:
- {autopf} – Program Files directory, default location for admin installations
- {autoappdata} – Application Data directory, default directory for user level installations.
the “auto” in the “autopf” constant automatically select the appropriate “common” or “user” path based on the install mode.
More specifically the “auto” constants like {autopf}, {autoappdata}, {autostartup}, etc. automatically map to their “common” form (e.g. {commonpf}, {commonappdata}) when the installation is running in administrative install mode, or their “user” form (e.g. {userpf}, {userappdata}) when running in non-administrative mode, when defining a directory path that include constants.
Using this parameter you can control whether a shortcut icon will be placed on the desktop after installation, and if AnyCase should start on start up. When passing this parameter, the action the installer takes is first to uncheck both options, then checking only the options explicitly specified. For example, /TASKS=”desktopicon” we’ll place a shortcut icon on the desktop but we’ll not start the application with the computer.
Uninstall Parameters
In the installation location you will find the uninstaller program which starts with unins***.exe, The uninstall file accepts These uninstall parameters.
<AnyCase App installation path>\unins000.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART
This will perform a clean silent uninstalled without without message boxes, and user interaction.
Available Parameters
When the silent parameter is passed to the uninstaller the uninstaller will not ask the user for startup confirmation or display a message stating that uninstall is complete. Shared files that are no longer in use are will be deleted automatically without prompting. Any critical error messages will still be shown on the screen.
When the ‘/VERYSILENT’ is passed to the uninstaller. In addition to the action taken by /SILENT, the uninstallation progress window will not be displayed. message boxes can still be displayed unless the /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES is passed.
Instructs the uninstaller to suppress message boxes. only has an effect when used in combination with ‘/SILENT’ or ‘/VERYSILENT’.
Instructs the uninstaller not to reboot even if it’s necessary.